Cookie Policy

Share and keep alive your memories.

What is a cookie, and what is its purpose?

A cookie is a small amount of information downloaded to your computer or device when you visit Treasured Memories "" (the "Website"). We use several cookies, including functional, performance, advertising, and social media or content cookies.

Cookies improve your browsing experience by allowing the Website to remember your actions and preferences (such as login and region selection). This means you don't have to re-enter this information each time you return to the Website or browse from one page to another. Cookies also provide information on how people use the Website, for instance, whether it's their first time visiting or if they are frequent visitors.

Cookies do not collect information identifying the user directly. Therefore, treasured Memories cannot trace their steps back to any directly identifying personal information (e.g. name, surname) unless directly provided by the user. Moreover, another Website cannot use a cookie issued by the Website to access other information on the user's computer. Once saved on the computer, the cookie can only be read by the Website that created it (hence, in our case, by Essentially, if one does not register with the Website and no personal information is entered, the only thing the server knows is that someone with that cookie is revisiting us. Nothing more than that.

Cookies can be either "session-based" (when they are memorised exclusively for the duration of the Website browsing session and are cancelled once the browser is closed) or "permanent" (they are remembered for a longer time, until their expiry or until removal by the user).

Cookies Necessary for the Functioning of the Store

In order to optimise the use of the Website and the complete functionality of the online purchase process and the customised characteristics, the computer, the tablet or the mobile device must accept the cookies. Our Privacy Policy on use of the cookies provides information on the type of cookies used and on the way to manage, control and clear them.

The Website uses “third-party cookies” (e.g. Google Analytics and Social Network cookies), i.e. cookies that are issued and managed by subjects other than Treasured Memories. Through these cookies, our commercial proposal can be offered on other affiliated sites (also known as “retargeting”). On third-party cookies, we do not have control over the information provided by the cookies, and we do not have access to such data. This information is entirely controlled by the third-party companies in accordance with whatever is described in the respective Privacy Policy.

Treasured Memories use the following cookies to optimise your Website's experience and provide our services:

 We would like to point out that cookies do not damage your device.

The length of time that a cookie remains on your computer or mobile device depends on whether it is a “persistent” or “session” cookie. Session cookies last until you stop browsing, and persistent cookies last until they expire or are deleted. Most of the cookies we use are persistent and will expire between 30 minutes and two years from the date they are downloaded to your device.

Disablement/removal of cookies through a web browser

You can control and manage cookies in various ways. However, please keep in mind that removing or blocking cookies can negatively impact your user experience, and parts of our Website may no longer be fully accessible.

Most browsers automatically accept cookies, but you can choose whether or not to accept cookies through your browser controls, often found in your browser’s “Tools” or “Preferences” menu. For more information on how to modify your browser settings or how to block, manage or filter cookies can be found in your browser’s help file or through such sites as: and

Additionally, please note that blocking cookies may not wholly prevent how we share information with third parties such as our advertising partners.

Acceptance of the cookies

The user, by browsing through this Website, by closing the information banner relating to the cookies or by clicking on any part of the page or scrolling down the same in order to highlight some further content, is deemed to have read the Cookie Policy of Treasured Memories and provided his specific consent to use of the cookies. Furthermore, having set his Internet Browser (e.g., Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera) in such a manner as to accept the use of the cookies is likewise deemed a valid consent by the user.

Please note that your consent is only required upon your first login to the Website: thereafter, thanks to the use of a technical cookie, we will memorise your consent to enable you to access the Website pages directly when you come back (subject to your right to disable/enable the cookies at any time or clear them: in that case, when you come back, the Website will request your consent again).

Moreover, should the user register with the Website and provide at the time of registration his specific consent to the monitoring of your browsing, the data relating to the Website browsing can be linked to your personal data.

In the event of failure to accept the cookies by abandoning the browsing, any cookies already registered locally in your browser will stay registered but will no longer be read or used by Treasured Memories until a subsequent acceptance, if any, of the Cookie Policy. You will always have the possibility of clearing such cookies at any time as per the procedure set out on the websites mentioned in the “Disabling/removing cookies through web browser” paragraph.

Your rights

By sending a notice to the e-mail address, you may at any time exercise the rights set out in Articles 15 to 23 of the Regulation, including knowledge of which data we are processing, in which manner and for which purpose we are using them, amending the data you have provided us or erasing them, asking us to limit use of your data or getting a copy thereof, always subject to the possibility of amending your consents or objecting to use of your data.

Possibility of lodging a complaint

We remind you that, should you be dissatisfied with the replies received from Treasured Memories, you may, in any event, if you believe that the processing related to your person breaches the provisions of the Regulation, lodge a complaint with the Authority for your personal data protection (, or with the Data Protection Authority of the country in which you habitually reside or work or where the alleged breach occurred.

Which legislation applies to the processing of your data?

The processing of your data will occur pursuant to Regulation (EU) 679/2016 General Data Protection Regulation and the national regulations applicable to the specific case, to the extent that such regulations remain in force subsequently to the Regulation's implementation date (25 May 2018).

Revision clause

Treasured Memories reserves the right to revise, amend or simply update, in whole or in part, at its exclusive discretion, in any manner and/at any time, without prejudice, this Cookie Policy, due also to the amendment of legal or regulatory provisions in the field of personal data protection. As appropriate, the amendments and updates to the Cookie Policy will be notified to the users by:

  • email sent to the registered Website users and;
  • publication on the Home Page of the Website and will be binding as soon as published and communicated.

Accordingly, we invite you to regularly access this section to check the publication of the latest and most updated Cookie Policy or your email address.