Step by Step Guides

For more extensive details, and step by step instructions for creating the cards, please select first, how you want to create your card. We have created a genuine, A to Z guide, with loads of screenshots to help you on your way.

Life is a story. What does yours say?


Step by step guides


Step by Step Guide - Choose from Templates
Choose from Templates
Step by Step Guide - Design from Scratch
Design from Scratch
Step by Step Guide - Upload your Design
Upload your Design
Step by Step Guide - Bespoke Design
Bespoke Design


Not sure how you want to create your card?

In addition to choosing our Templates, you can also start your Design from Scratch or Upload your Design files created in other design software of your choice. Still, if you are not comfortable making it, we also offer a Bespoke Design service, drafting a unique card based on your ideas.

Choose based on your design skills

Despite being more effortless, choosing from templates has limitations on some object editions. Only the Design from Scratch models offers 100% editable cards. All other categories have restrictions to smooth the user experience. See the comparative table below.

Choose based on your design skills
Choose based on your design skills


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Ready to start?


Choose from Templates

Design from Scratch

Upload your Design

Bespoke Design